Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom – successful kickoff for Virtual Mobility module

Long-term partnerships pay off – the Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) module was successfully launched again in the third year between TU Dresden and Shiraz University. Since 2019 the two partner universities have been organising modules that give the possibility to Iranian and German students to come together in virtual settings and work collaboratively on an 8-week long case study. 

Moment at the end of the kickoff-event

This year 30 German students, 15 Iranian students and 13 Iranian experts are participating in the module “Collaboration in the virtual classroom”. The students work in small groups of 4 to 6 participants and develop project ideas for a sustainable transformation of the energy sector in the Middle East in international and interdisciplinary cooperation. Being supported by E-Tutors and industry experts, students have the unique possibility to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice and receive immediate feedback. The student teams work in small groups on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams where they are provided with tools and communication tools for their collaboration. The work is divided into two virtual blocks and a pitch in the middle and at the end. Today´s kick-off meeting has notified all of the stakeholders about the start of the case study and gave the opportunity to all of the participants to meet each other in a virtual meeting. After the presentation of the agenda, first Prof. Schoop from the chair of Information Management again clearly explained the strategic partnerships that contributed to the realization of the Virtual Collaborative Learning Arrangement. Thus, the module Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom surrounded by the VCL framework, which has been tested and extensively iteratively developed for over 20 years now. On the other hand, there is the intensive internationalization and Interdisciplinarity that reaches its new zenith within the occasion of the COIIIL project.

Welcome speech of Prof. Safavi & Prof. Schoop

Afterwards, the participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Safavi and Dr. Salimi from Iran. The interdisciplinary and international cooperation was emphasized as profitable for all students, especially the connection of teaching and practice through the implementation of Iranian business experts who support the students in the development of their project ideas creates a real business context. During the pitches, the groups present their ideas in front of a jury of industry experts.

In a third step the module and its goals were introduced by Mattis Altmann from the chair of Information Management. Moreover, it was stressed that through the formative feedback of E-Tutors, students have also the chance to evolve their organizational and communication skills within the scope of the project. Beyond that the task of E-Tutors is to accompany the groups of students in their working process and monitor group activity. This will allow the E-Tutors to give feedback, highlight the areas of improvement and encourage students to develop them as well. Team performance is also visualized by Learning Analytics which offers the students a new perspective for self-reflection and support E-Tutors in decision making.

We are excited about the start of the new project and are looking forward to the presentation and discussion of the results! For a first impression of what we are doing check also the teaser below.

Link to the Teaser:

Kickoff VALEU-X – Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Albania

On 24.02.20 and 25.02.20 a first meeting of all project partners took place. Besides TU Dresden the ISSBS from Slovenia and UNIMED from Italy together with 6 Albanian partner universities form the consortium. At the kick-off event of the 2-year Erasmus+ project, the course for the capacity building programme of the European Commission was set. After the identification of the state-of-the-art of virtual mobility in Albania, the successful VCL [Virtual Collaborative Learning] model will be used to strengthen academic mobility. Finally, the creation of didactic design patterns should preserve the acquired knowledge and make it usable for further partners, without these being experts in the field of e-learning. Therefore several virtual and physical workshops, job shadowing, e-tutor qualifications and further activities with the partners are planned. In addition, the project will be accompanied by professional public relations and quality assurance tools, which will be managed by the European partners UNIMED and ISSBS.

The partner universities are listed under the following links

European University of Tirana

Turgut Ozal Education SHA- Epoka University

University Fan S. Noli

Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës

“Luigj Gurakuqi” University of Shkodra

University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”


International School for Social and Business Studies

Further information on the project will be made available in the near future at

Wissensaustausch mit und über digitale Medien in Zentralasien – Teilnahme an der internationalen Summer School Education and Technology in Kirgisistan

Unsere Mitarbeiter Mattis Altmann und Alexander Clauss stellten aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Professur in Bishkek, Kirgistan zur Diskussion. Zum zwölften Mal trafen sich in diesem Jahr Nachwuchsforscher aus aller Welt zur Summer School des internationalen Netzwerks Education and Technology (E&T). Insgesamt 60 Teilnehmer aus 16 Ländern tauschten sich in Bishkek/Kirgistan über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich technologiegestützte Bildung aus.

Besonders hervorzuheben ist der diesjährige Zusammenschluss mit dem neunten DAAD „International Alumni Workshop Education and Technology Transfer“ unter Leitung von Dr. Steffen Kersten. In zwei verschieden Tracks präsentierten die Teilnehmenden aktuelle Forschungs- und Dissertationsthemen und stellen diese zur Diskussion.

Mattis Altmann stellte (leider ohne Hut) in diesem Rahmen die Ergebnisse seiner kürzlich fertiggestellten Masterarbeit zum Thema „Case study design as part of Virtual Mobility regarding international and collaborative learning Arrangements – An Action Research Report“ vor. Alexander Clauss präsentierte den Work-in-Progress-Status einer gemeinsamen Forschungsarbeit mit Anna Leichsenring zum Thema „An essential basis for the iterative development of an innovative platform for the guided competence development of corporate community managers“. Im Anschluss an beide Präsentationen ging die Diskussion zwischen dem Expertenkomitee und den Vortragenden tiefer in das jeweilige Thema. So konnten neuer, konstruktiver und multiperspektivischer Input für die weitere Forschungsarbeit gewonnen werden.

Die Abstracts der Beiträge werden demnächst unter zur Verfügung stehen.

Begleitet wurde die Summer School von einem vielseitigen kulturellen Programm das unter anderem den Besuch der Kirgisisch-Türkischen Universität Manas sowie einer örtlichen Lebensmittelfabrik in der Nähe von Bishkek beinhaltete.

Interdisciplinary Workshop „Wirtschaftsinformatik“

Eleven Masters Students and Graduates from Princess Sumaya University for Technology in Amman, Jordan visited the Chair of Information Management in the period December 10th to 19th, 2015.


Interdisciplinary Workshop „Wirtschaftsinformatik“ weiterlesen

Informationsveranstaltung zur Erasmus+ Dozentenmobilität


Wissam Tawileh berichtete bei der Informationsveranstaltung des akademischen Auslandsamts „Mit Erasmus+ als Gastdozent ins Ausland“ über seine Lehrerfahrungen an der Partnerhochschule „Latvijas Universitate“ in Riga.


Desiging E-Learning Arrangements for South Africa

The course „Designing E-Learning Arrangements“ will be held in Winter Semester 2015/2016 in cooperation with Village Scribe Association and awarenet – play to learn platform.

In this international setting, students will learn how to design, develop and implement a collaborative E-Learning scenario to help school teachers in South Africa modernizing their classrooms using affordable technology that works in suburbs and rural areas.

International Virtual Tearmwork

Human Resources Management in the Web 2.0 Era. Register now for the international blended learning course in summer semester 2015. This cours will be held in cooperation with our partner University: Princess Sumya University for Technology in Amman – Jordan.


Collaborative Web 2.0 Tools for Students

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The last session today was an introduction in the Open Source Social Network „elgg“ which will be used as the main collaborative platform for the just started Virtual Collaborative Learning project with Riga and Tallinn.

Our team will take the way back to Dresden tomorrow. We would like to thank our hosts for the great time and hospitality and the participated students for their attention and active communication. We wish you success and our team a safe trip back home.

See you in the virtual classroom 🙂

The VCL Project has just been kicked-off

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The Kick-Off meeting of the forty fifth VCL Project was held successfully with the participation of the three universities in Dresden, Riga and Tallinn.

After a welcome message from Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop, Matthias introduced the participating student with first information about the Virtual Collaboration Project that will be worked on in the next six week and the next steps they will have to take on the learning platform.

We wish our students and colleagues much fun and an exciting experience in the virtual phase.